2010年1月22日 星期五

[Linux] Wireshark tarball for openSuSE

First, go to the wireshark's web.  
Click the hyperlink named Source Code to download Wireshark.tar.bz

# tar -jxvf wireshark.x.x.x.tar.bz -C /root
# cd wireshark.x.x.x

If you want to read more information about the wireshark installation
You can
# less INSTALL  or # less README

# ./configure
# make
# make install

To start wireshark
# wireshark

If it didn't work, please check for the path of lib


For openSuSE 11.2 here is some solutions to make it work
First, you have to remake the libpcap.
Because there is no pcap.h in the lib.
Then, you have to check for libpcap version.
Go to the website and download the tarball

# tar -zxvf libpcap.x.x.x.tar.gz -C /root
# cd libpcap.x.x.x
# ./configure
# ./make
# ./make install

# cd wireshark.x.x.x
# ./configure
# ./make
# ./make install

After starting wireshark, you will get a message like "libwiretap.so.0, No file or Directory".
It means there is no libwiretap.so.0 in your lib.
But you can use command "locate" to find the file.

Then make sure your lib
# cp -aR /usr/local/lib/* /usr/lib/


